Review: Act 1 Theatre Group’s ‘Aladdin’: A Dazzling Tapestry of Community Magic Lights Up the Stage!

Written by on 24th January 2024

Aladdin, presented by Act 1 Theatre Group, transcended the boundaries of a typical theatrical performance to become a vibrant celebration of community spirit. The production skilfully blended musical genres, creating an engaging auditory experience by seamlessly weaving the magic of popular musicals with the familiarity of pop hits. Led by the talented Adrian Evans as the quintessential pantomime villain Abanazar, the main cast delivered standout performances. Nichola Fennell’s portrayal of the Slave of the Ring added a subtle and captivating charm, infusing the stage with grace and enchantment. The chemistry between PC Ping and Pong; Gaynor Thomas and Dale Evans, was a joy to witness, and a cleverly staged comedic moment involving PC Pong’s exit had both the audience and me in stitches. Aladdin; Rhea Hughes and Princess So-Shi; Emily Jones,  with their sass and strong vocal prowess, formed a captivating duo that left a lasting impression. The campy portrayal of Genie; Ceri Lewis, added an extra layer of entertainment, contributing to the lively atmosphere of the production.

Widow Twankey; Kieran Carter, accompanied by the lovable Wishee Washee; Keelan Jones, emerged as a true highlight, stealing the show with a repertoire of fabulous dad jokes and interactive moments that engaged the audience in a shared experience. The emphasis on audience participation, along with the inclusive casting of local children and adults in Team Aladdin and the chorus, underscored the genuine sense of community within the production.

There were some surprising technical elements that showcased a high level of professionalism not often expected in amateur productions. The well-designed set, featuring charming elements such as the lamp’s emergence from the stage and the technical brilliance of the magic carpet, added an extra layer of enchantment. Vibrant costumes with dazzling sparkles and energetic dancing and singing from the chorus and ensemble enhanced the overall theatrical experience.

Beyond its entertainment value, Aladdin by Act 1 Theatre Group embodied a profound sense of community engagement. From bringing young children onto the stage during the raffle to the dedicated individuals contributing to the production, the sense of shared purpose and joy resonated throughout. This community-focused approach not only enriched the theatrical experience but also highlighted the transformative power of local theatre in bringing diverse individuals together for a collective celebration of creativity and camaraderie.

Act 1 Theatre Group stands as a vibrant and community-driven theatrical ensemble nestled in the heart of our local community. Committed to creating engaging and memorable experiences for audiences of all ages, the group actively involves individuals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and shared passion for the stage. Act 1 Theatre Group showcases the talents of local actors, directors, and behind-the-scenes contributors, making each show a celebration of creativity and community spirit. Embracing the transformative power of theatre, Act 1 continually weaves the threads of storytelling, laughter, and inspiration to enrich the cultural tapestry of our community.

If you would like to get involved with this truly amazing company check out their Facebook page –

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16:00 18:59

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16:00 18:59
