Written by on 6th January 2021

If your idea of a dream wedding is tying the knot over a tasty burger or nuggets, then we have some truly fantastic good news.

New laws in the United Kingdom could mean you will soon be able to tie the knot and get married in the likes of McDonalds.

An organisation called The Law Commission have suggested couples should be granted greater choice over where they get married.

And thanks to their hard work, there are plans to reform the laws surrounding ceremonies with the first ones launching last September.

Plans have just inched forwards, with the consultation on the reforms officially closing at the start of this week (Monday 4th January).

At present, laws that date back to the 19th century restrict weddings to certain places, but the new reforms would make quirkier venues an option.
Some popular examples being thrown around include McDonalds, carparks, or even your favourite local pub or club.

Currently, couples must have their ceremony at either a place of worship or at a licensed venue, but The Law Commission wants to change that.
Founder of The Marriage Foundation Sir Paul Coleridge said the new reforms should also help couples who don’t want to spend lots on a wedding.
After all, latest figures show the average wedding in the United Kingdom costs an eye watering £31,974 ($43,500).
He said to press: “We hope and believe that this will re-democratise marriage and weddings and usher in a new era.”

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