Written by on 27th April 2020

Cash payment in South Wales to be exact fare only from 4th May 2020

 Passengers still urged to use contactless, mobile or other digital payment methods first• Company thanks customers for their support in keeping everyone safe

Stagecoach in South Wales has today updated its guidance to customers on fare payment methods on its services while the current special bus network arrangements are in place.

In addition to asking customers to use contactless, mobile or pre-payment methods, from 4th May an exact fare system will be in place for passengers who can only pay by cash. Details will be displayed on the Stagecoach website, on the @StagecoachWales Twitter profile, through email and bilingual on bus posters will be on display. 

Under the new temporary arrangement, any additional cash received as a result of not giving change will be donated to the NHS Charities Together Appeal, which supports NHS staff and workers.

Exact fare systems have been in use by some bus operators in different parts of the country for many years.

Nigel Winter, Managing Director for Stagecoach in South Wales said: “We would like to thank our customers for their help in keeping our drivers and their fellow passengers safe at the current time. 

Although the majority of customers are now using contactless and other digital forms of payment, many key workers still rely on cash to pay for their journey.

Along with the other steps we are taking in line with government and public health guidance, this additional exact fare measure will mean everyone who needs to travel can do so and stay safe.

We are very proud of the incredible job all key workers, including our own drivers and support teams, are doing as part of the national effort.”

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