Our Aberdare BID encourages residents, visitors and tourists to spend £5 to boost Aberdare Town Centre

Written by on 8th October 2021

Recognising successes of neighbouring towns in South Wales, Our Aberdare BID has joined a national campaign, FiverFest, devised and coordinated by Totally Locally, who state that ‘Businesses taking part put on special £5 offers over 2 weeks, to show the diversity and value of what they sell, and to say thank you to the communities that support them.’ Aberdare will join over 100 UK high streets on Saturday 9th October to launch this two-week event during the busy Autumn period as shoppers and visitors continue to return to shopping and hospitality following recent lockdowns due to Covid-19 response.

Considering the success of previous campaigns led by Totally Locally, if every adult living in Aberdare spent just £5 per week in small businesses and services in and around Aberdare town centre, this could generate an incredible £7.7 million pounds annually for our local economy.

To help promote this message and Aberdare’s involvement for the first time in Fiver Fest by Totally Locally, bright posters around Aberdare town centre are displaying some of the ‘fiver’
offers that will be available during the campaign, supported by online social media posts using hashtags; #fiverfest #ouraberdarebid #Aberdare

It is hoped that this collaborative approach will bring much needed money directly into small businesses and local suppliers based in Aberdare.

In addition to being awarded £25,000 from Pen y Cymoedd’s Vision Fund, Our Aberdare BID continues to apply for additional funding to support their vision for town improvements,
whilst helping signpost new and existing businesses towards the advice and grant funding that is available to help businesses succeed.

Amanda, Business owner of Welsh Gifts & Wool Stall at at Aberdare Market & Arcade, who voluntarily joined as a Levy Member says: ‘Our Aberdare Bid has successfully managed to maintain contact with small businesses in Aberdare during lockdown and has provided essential help and guidance on all manner of things. Dawn is particularly knowledgeable about the local business network and encourages collaboration between businesses to ensure that the Aberdare economy thrives. I am particularly interested in becoming a part of the Levy group as I know that the networking possibilities are huge and collaboration is what we should all be about. I am eager to benefit from the wealth of experience and skills this town and its businesses have to offer.’

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