Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB thanks communities for efforts to reduce spread of COVID-19

Written by on 12th November 2020

Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB thanks communities for their efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and calls on everyone to continue to work together to stay safe

Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB is thanking people across its communities for their efforts to abide by the recent firebreak lockdown restrictions and reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Latest figures show early signs of the rates of COVID-19 starting to come down across RCT, Merthyr Tydfil and Bridgend and while it is still too early to know the full impact of the recent national restrictions, the Health Board is paying tribute to everyone who has played their part in the fight against the virus.

As we go into the first weekend since the restrictions were lifted, the Health Board is also asking everyone to continue to do all they can to stay safe and protect themselves and each other.

If you are Christmas shopping this weekend, try to visit shops during off-peak times and always maintain social distancing, use hand sanitiser and wear a face covering where possible. Options such as ‘click and collect’ or online purchasing may also be something to consider.

If you are meeting friends and family in cafes, bars or restaurants, please only do this in groups of four or fewer and try to stay outside as much as possible. Again, use hand sanitiser, maintain social distancing and wear a face covering where possible. Please don’t meet in each other’s houses, unless it is the one other household you have formed a bubble with.

Dr Kelechi Nnoaham, Director of Public Health for CTM UHB, said: “There are early signs that the rates of COVID-19 transmission in our communities are reducing. This is very positive news and we would like to thank everyone across CTM who has made efforts to follow the lockdown rules and help us to achieve this. However, rates of COVID-19 in our areas are still high and it’s really important that we’re not complacent. We have seen the way our communities have come together to support each other throughout the pandemic and we’d ask they continue to do this and keep each other safe now the restrictions have been lifted.

“As we go into the weekend, it is understandable many people will be keen to get out and about and meet up with their loved ones. But let’s do this safely so we don’t risk throwing away all the progress and sacrifices we have made in recent weeks. If you are going out and meeting up with others this weekend, please stay safe by social distancing, wearing face coverings, using hand sanitiser and sticking to the rules of where you can meet and how many people you can meet up with.

“We’d ask people to think about what they should do, rather than what they can do. We’ve been so grateful to people for their support and we’d ask them to continue this support by taking these precautions and help us continue to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our areas.”

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