Public Health Wales area breakdown – 21/10/2020

Written by on 21st October 2020

Following the latest data from Public Health Wales, released 21/10/2020, we can now see the breakdown of cases and cases per 100,000 by areas within RCT. Please note that the data supplied is rolling 7 days (12/10/2020 – 18/10/20). There is a lag on the area breakdown data, so will not match the daily summary published.

Whilst the Public Health Data does not provide a summary per area, we have pulled this data together to show you, as we know a lot of our listeners have been asking for this data.

(Data Provided by Public Health Wales and Ward Areas (2011) as defined by the Office of National Statistics)

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10:00 12:59

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10:00 12:59

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13:00 15:59
