Party-goers among more than 130 people fined for weekend Covid breaches

Written by on 26th January 2021

South Wales Police have issued fines to more than 70 people for attending house parties throughout south Wales at the weekend – one of whom was subsequently charged for assaulting a police officer.

Despite the whole of Wales continuing to be subject to Alert Level 4 coronavirus restrictions, a small minority continued to breach the rules by attending house parties and travelling without reasonable excuse.

South Wales Police responded to 552 Covid-related incidents between Friday and Monday, and while no breaches were identified in many, officers still had cause to issue 134 fixed penalty notices (FPNs).

Among them were:

  • 13 FPNs issued to attendees of a party at Maritime Quarter, Swansea;
  • Four FPNs to attendees of a birthday party in Swansea – two of whom were guests who’d travelled from London;
  • Six FPNs issued for a party at a  flat in Riverside, Cardiff;
  • Three FPNs for occupants of a van which was subject to a vehicle check. All were from different households and had ‘got together to celebrate a birthday’;
  • Six FPNs to men gathering to drink alcohol in Canton, Cardiff;
  • Six FPNs for attendees of a party in Cathays, Cardiff;
  • 15 FPNS for attendees of a flat party in Splott;
  • Four occupants from different addresses who were found car-sharing in Sully, Vale of Glamorgan;
  • Seven FPNs to attendees of a house party on Barry Waterfront;
  • Eight FPNs for a house party in Grangetown, Cardiff;
  • Six FPNs to attendees of a house party in Treherbert, Rhondda;
  • Six FPNs for attendees of a house party in Merthyr Tydfil;
  • Five FPNs for people from different households who were gathered in a car park in Aberaman, Cynon Valley;
  • Seven FPNs for attendees of a house party in Trowbridge, Cardiff. One attendee was arrested and has since been charged with breaching a restraining order and assaulting an emergency worker.

In addition, numerous people were fined for travelling without reasonable excuse to parks, beaches and other beauty spots.

South Wales Police is continuing to engage with our communities to encourage compliance Welsh Government coronavirus legislation, and our teams are carrying out regular proactive patrols to enforce the rules where needed.

Joint Enforcement Teams (JETs), made up of police officers and council staff, have also been established in each of the seven local authority areas and continue to target areas of high concern.

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