HRH Prince Charles visits Prince Charles Hospital

Written by on 13th July 2020

Teams at Prince Charles Hospital were delighted to welcome His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales today as part of a special visit to thank NHS staff for their response to the COVID19 pandemic.

His Royal Highness spent time talking to staff from a range of specialisms at the Hospital in Merthyr Tydfil and listening to how they have delivered care and support to patients with Coronavirus.

Staff across Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB have really pulled together in recent months to respond to the COVID19 pandemic, building and developing additional facilities, taking on new roles and undergoing extensive training to care for patients.

They told The Prince about all the preparations for pandemic and how grateful they have been for the generosity of the community, who have delivered donations of food and toiletries alongside providing fantastic support at the weekly Clap for Carers events.

Professor Marcus Longley, Chair of Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB, who greeted The Prince on arrival, said: “It was wonderful to have His Royal Highness pay a visit to our staff and hear about their experiences. It’s been a tough few months for teams as they have gone above and beyond and worked exceptionally hard to respond to COVID19 and today’s visit from The Prince to thank t hem in person will have really lifted the spirits.

“We’d also like to thank the community for their support during the pandemic. Sadly, COVID19 is still circulating so we’d like to take this opportunity to ask for their continued support in keeping numbers of the virus low by following social distancing and other public health guidance.”

Adele Gittoes, Director of Operations, Merthyr Cynon Locality at Prince Charles Hospital introduced staff to His Royal Highness, Adele said: “We were delighted to welcome his Royal Highness to Prince Charles Hospital today to recognise the fantastic work of our staff at this hospital at all times, but especially over the past few months of COVID19 where it has been very difficult.

“Throughout COVID19 our staff have shown dedication, commitment and compassion at all times and whilst only a few members of staff could be present at the visit, I would like to take this opportunity to thank staff throughout Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB for their continued dedication and commitment and also our stakeholders, including local authority partners and third sector organisations as well as our Welsh Ambulance colleagues for their continued support. Finally, the

kindness and support of our CTM community has been overwhelming throughout the pandemic, including the donations they offered us and adhering to our guidelines during this time.”

Sophie Roberts, Operating Department Practitioner, has worked throughout the pandemic, Sophie said: “What an unforgettable and humbling experience it was to meet Prince Charles today, I was so shocked by the visit. I feel so much gratitude that the efforts of staff at Prince Charles Hospital and CTM has been recognised not only from others, but royalty themselves. It was an absolute honour.

“As a healthcare professional, we carry out our roles through pure care and compassion, we never feel recognition for our efforts are needed. COVID19 has been tough for so many, and I have been extremely proud of the efforts from all. Prince Charles Hospital is known for its high level of kindness and I genuinely believe this allowed teams from all areas throughout the hospital to stick together and support the people of our community through sickness and in health. I feel so proud to be part of Prince Charles Hospital, especially through the trying times of a worldwide pandemic.”

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