Extra training places for nurses and paramedics in Wales
Written by Gavin on 18th January 2023
Almost 400 more nurse training places will be created in Wales thanks to an 8% increase in the NHS Wales training budget, Health Minister Eluned Morgan today announced.
The Welsh Government has approved Health Education and Improvement Wales’ (HEIW)’s ambitious Education and Training Plan 2023-24 for NHS Wales, backed by a record £281m investment package.
This is the ninth consecutive year that health professional education and training budgets will have increased in Wales.
The plan will support 527 extra training places for a wide range of NHS professionals, from scientists and pharmacists to occupational therapists and physiotherapists, as well as nurses.
The increase in training places include the following professions (full list below):
- Adult nurse training places increase from 1,651 to 1,892 – a 14.6% increase.
- Child nurse training places increase from 175 to 192 – a 9.7% increase.
- Mental health nurses training places increase from 410 to 530 – a 29% increase.
- Midwives training places increase from 185 to 190 – up 2.7%.
- Physiotherapist training places increase from 174 to 180 – up 3.4%.
- Occupational therapist training places increase from 179 to 197 – up 10%.
- Paramedics training places increase from 116 to 120 – a 3.4% increase.
- Pharmacy technician training places increase from 30 to 50 – up 66.7%.
Health Minister Eluned Morgan said:
“Despite the inflationary pressures on our budget we are committed to investing in the NHS workforce in Wales.
“I am delighted to increase training places once again for nurses and the many other health professions, which are the backbone of our health service.
“A well-trained NHS workforce with the right skills is essential to providing a sustainable high-quality care to people across Wales and improving standards in our health service.
“These additional training places will deliver a workforce which can respond to the challenges of the future.
“The Welsh NHS currently has more people working in it than at any time in its history, focusing on prevention and care across every community.”
Lisa Llewelyn, Director of Nurse and Health Professional Education at HEIW, said:
“This plan has been developed in collaboration with key stakeholders from the NHS in Wales and will support current and future workforce numbers.
“Building on growth from previous years, the additional education and training places will mean increased numbers of a range of qualified healthcare professionals being available to deliver quality care to our population and work in Wales in a range of roles and locations.”