Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB goes all in for walk-ins for vaccines
Written by Gavin on 2nd July 2021
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board is creating a walk-in option at all of its community vaccination centres.
From Monday July 5, anyone over the age of 18, living in the Health Board area, will be able to turn up at one of the CVCs at a time and date to suit them and get their vaccine.
It is for first dose only.
Second dose appointments are not affected, as those clinics will run alongside the walk-ins.
The latest figures* from Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB’s vaccination programme show 88 percent of eligible adults have now had their first dose, while 65% percent are fully vaccinated (had first and second doses). Since the programme began a total of 561,641 vaccines have been administered.
The Health Board remains determined that no one will be left behind and the walk-ins are part of that strategy. It is hoped the clinics will offer the opportunity to get vaccinated to anyone who missed their original appointment or declined the offer the first time around and have since changed their mind.
All of Cwm Taf Morgannwg’s community vaccination centres** are taking part in the walk-ins. You can just drop in between 9:15 to 4:30 Monday to Friday. Some of the centres are open on Saturday 9:15 to 4:30, but those that are open will vary from weekend to weekend. Full details of next week’s schedule are below.
Maesteg community vaccination centre (situated at Halo Maesteg Sports Centre) will not be taking part in the walk-ins as it has completed its first dose programme. Vaccinations at Maesteg CVC will be paused, while planning begins around phase three of the vaccination programme.
For anyone who wants to walk-in for their first dose, they will need to be over 18, live in Cwm Taf Morgannwg, and bring some ID. Suggested ID would be a passport, drivers licence or a utility bill for proof of address.