Action taken following identification of cases of COVID-19 in Royal Glamorgan Hospital

Written by on 23rd September 2020

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board is taking robust action following the identification of a number of cases of COVID-19 in Royal Glamorgan Hospital.

The Health Board has recorded 34 cases of COVID-19 across two wards at the hospital, linked mainly to transmission within the hospital. Significant work is underway to understand and control the outbreak.

A specialist team is meeting daily and a number of key measures have been put in place to respond to and manage these cases, including:

· The immediate closure of affected wards

· An immediate risk assessment of affected and at-risk wards

· A review of infection prevention and control measures and their implementation

· Increased and targeted testing of healthcare staff

· Testing of all emergency and elective hospital admissions

· Limiting social visiting in the hospitals

Dr Kelechi Nnoaham, Director of Public Health for Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, said: “The health and wellbeing of our patients

and staff is our number one priority and we take infection prevention and control measures extremely seriously.

“I would like to reassure the public that immediate action has been taken to address this outbreak, and although it is too early to confirm the end of the outbreak, early evidence suggests that this has resulted in the number of infections transmitted within the hospital being contained.

“Cases of COVID-19 have been steadily rising across our communities and it is vital is that we all play our part in helping to reduce the spread of the virus through social distancing, good hand hygiene, the wearing of masks and PPE in appropriate settings and following the latest Government measures on further restrictions.”

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